A mission trip to Nepal from Taiwan


I want to thank "Tamkang Church" for giving me this opportunity to go for missions again this year, and this was my second chance to learn what "Mission" is.

As a junior student of Mission, I was able to open my eyes to see and my hands to embrace God's world.

We walked through many villages in Nepal, a country with simple hearts, and they taught me what "The fear of God" is.

The armies sent by God stayed here. Even though they were young, each of them took care of responsibilities here. They taught me what "Good and faithful service" means.

When two different churches collaborated for the first time, we were able to help and obey the authorities properly. God taught me that "A three-stranded rope can not be easily broken".

When we revere God's name together, God's presence rekindles the flame of faith that was almost extinguished in the ashes. God taught me "Not to give up easily on any life that is still being worked on".

When the Holy Spirit urged me, I learnt to listen to His voice and obey bravely, I received "power flowing out of me" and "unspeakable joy full of glory"!

I am a junior student of mission. I am learning to put on the missionary shoes that God has made for me, and continue to walk in the life path that God has designed for me~

Therefore, since we have received a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful and serve God acceptably with reverence and awe. For our God is a consuming fire. (Hebrews 12:28-29)

Written in the postscript of a mission trip to Nepal.

8th, Dec., 2023